Friday, 20 July 2012

The Train Wreck

A few decades ago a train derailed near Function Junction, just south of Whistler.  The cost to clean up the wreck was too high, so the 7 train cars were left scattered long the glacier fed Cheakamus River.  The locals have transformed the area into a work of art, bike park and hiking area.  

Bungee video

Check out Chris and Toms Bungee video:

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Summer has come!

Beautiful cross country trails
Blackcomb Mountain melting
Nothing better - 'Ruckus Deluxe' at Dubb linn Gate
Cherries at the Farmers Market
Canada Day celebrations in the village
Tom and Chris conquer Whistler Bungeeeeee!
View of the bungee bridge
Hackie at the lake